Millions of Americans are plagued by chronic tendon pain, which is usually caused by degeneration of tendons resulting from the overuse of muscles and joints while living an active lifestyle. This pain can make performing daily activities, participating in sporting events, exercising and picking up heavy objects a challenge. For some individuals with chronic tendon pain, even shaking hands is difficult.

Traditional treatments for chronic tendon pain include the use of cortisone shots, having tendon repair surgery or undergoing time-consuming physical therapy sessions. Today, however, patients have another option for treating this condition: TENEX. Using the TENEX method, Dr. Joshua G. Hackel can find and remove the degenerative scar tissue responsible for causing a patient’s pain.

What is it?

The TENEX method is a minimally-invasive, ultrasound guided procedure designed to help patients suffering with chronic tendon pain. Using this method, Dr. Hackel can locate and remove degenerative scar tissue that has formed within the tendons of the shoulder, ankle, knee, hip and elbow. In addition to removing the damaged tissue that is causing pain, the procedure also stimulates the body’s natural healing response. Recovery time following this procedure ranges from four to six weeks.

How does it work?

During the TENEX procedure, ultrasound imaging is used to find the degenerative tendon tissue responsible for the pain a patient is experiencing. Once the degenerative tissue causing the pain is located, a small (4mm) incision is created. Then, Dr. Joshua G. Hackel uses TENEX’s ultrasonicdevice, which is a small instrument that vibrates at very high ultrasonic frequencies, to break down and then simultaneously remove the damaged tissue through the tip of the device. By targeting and then removing degenerative scar tissue, the tendon can heal properly, and the patient experiences pain relief.

The TENEX method of scar tissue removal only requires the use of local anesthesia. It is also performed as an outpatient procedure that usually takes no more than 15 minutes to complete. Some benefits of the TENEX procedure include a quick recovery, no need for stitches, the patient’s healthy tissue remains unharmed, minimal scarring and fast pain relief. All of this is achieved without undergoing conventional surgery or anesthesia.

Who is it for?

The TENEX procedure is specifically designed for individuals who are experiencing pain associated with a damaged tendon(s). Some of the issues that Dr. Hackel uses this procedure to address include:

  • Tennis elbow;
  • Rotator cuff tendonitis;
  • Patellar tendonitis (jumper’s knee);
  • Golfer’s elbow;
  • Plantar fasciitis;
  • Achilles tendonitis; and
  • Gluteus medius/minimus tendonitis.

The ideal candidate for this procedure is someone who has previously sought non-surgical treatment, such as steroid injections, immobilization, rest and rehabilitation but found little to no relief.

Want to learn more?

The TENEX method was developed by Tenex Health in conjunction with the world-renowned MAYO Clinic. This revolutionary method for scar tissue removal received FDA-approval in 2012. In addition, there are numerous studies outlining the effectiveness and benefits of this method of scar tissue removal. Furthermore, clinical studies show that when Tenex Health technology is utilized to treat plantar fasciitis, as well as tendonitis in the hip, shoulder, elbow, ankle or knee, a significant decrease in pain and an improvement in overall functionality can be obtained.

Request a Consultation

If you are still experiencing pain despite other treatments you have undergone, the TENEX method may be the solution for eliminating your pain. Dr. Joshua G. Hackel specializes in providing patients with non-surgical procedures for pain relief. Dr. Hackel's experience, caring demeanor and dedication to his patients make him one of the top Non-Surgical Sports Medicine physicians in and around Gulf Breeze, Florida.

At the Andrews Institute, Dr. Joshua G. Hackel and his staff will work with you to determine the source of your pain and then address it to help you find relief. Schedule your initial consultation with Dr. Hackel by contacting the Andrews Institute at 850-916-8783. We are located at 1040 Gulf Breeze Parkway, Suite 200, in Gulf Breeze, Florida.


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